Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Prepping for PreK

The summer seems to be a blend of lazy days when all I do is watch TV, read, or play with my puppy. I have enjoyed my time off, and though we still have a month to go, I need to start putting things in place for a fun-tastic year in pre-k.

To begin with, I was super excited to have been awarded a grant by A+ Federal Credit Union, which will allow me to buy some cool materials for my class. I can't wait to start spending!

I also worked on a new web-site. As we get closer to school, this will be the one linked to my name, though I will continue to keep this one linked on one of the tabs.

Check out my new pre-k site at fneprekwithmrsshetty.weebly.com

Continue to make memories this summer...

Monday, June 20, 2016

Mixed emotions...

It seems like a lot has happened since my last post...prepping for STAAR, taking the test, wrapping up the year, looking back on early work, being amazed by the progress that we have all made, and looking forward to a well-earned summer break!
For me, personally, the end of this year also brings an end to my journey as a Resource/Inclusion teacher for students with special needs. I know I will miss working with my kids, miss the challenges of finding that perfect lesson or that little trick that helps turn on the light bulb, miss the excitement in their eyes when something suddenly makes sense, miss being there to support them when their confidence is at its lowest, miss collaborating with all their home-room teachers and other support staff to figure out the best way to grow their success, miss connecting with parents, helping them understand that we are all on the same side and together we will make the difference...and my list goes on...
...but I had reached a burn-out point, and I did not want to let that change the attitude I brought to school or the way I worked with my students. So, after much contemplation, and many, many discussions, I have chosen to make a change...I will be teaching Pre-Kindergarten next year...
...so, the end of this year also brings excitement...the excitement of new challenges, new students, new lessons to learn...
I would like to thank each of you for your support this year - students, parents, colleagues, friends and family...2015-2016 was an interesting year, and I could not have done it without you.
...with much love...

Enjoy your summer!
Relax...Rejuvenate...and Read!!!

Friday, March 11, 2016

It's the One You Feed...

One of my favorite stories is the one about the old Cherokee and his grandson...the one where he narrates a story about the battle between the two wolves inside each of us... Evil and Good...
When his grandson asks which one wins, he simply replies, "The one you feed"...

It reminds me everyday that no matter what happens or is happening in my life, it's the emotion, the habit, the attitude that I feed that will end up winning.

As we go into Spring Break, I plan on trying to feed all that's positive in my life...I wish each of you the time and motivation to do the same...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy 2016!

I hope each of you had a relaxed winter break with family and friends. As we go into the second semester, the rigor in classrooms will increase. Read as much as you can, practice math facts, and help yourself be that much more successful!

Happy 2016!

Monday, September 28, 2015

A month has flown by!

We have been busy!
Learning routines...making new friends
...planning service projects...practicing social skills...