Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Prepping for PreK

The summer seems to be a blend of lazy days when all I do is watch TV, read, or play with my puppy. I have enjoyed my time off, and though we still have a month to go, I need to start putting things in place for a fun-tastic year in pre-k.

To begin with, I was super excited to have been awarded a grant by A+ Federal Credit Union, which will allow me to buy some cool materials for my class. I can't wait to start spending!

I also worked on a new web-site. As we get closer to school, this will be the one linked to my name, though I will continue to keep this one linked on one of the tabs.

Check out my new pre-k site at fneprekwithmrsshetty.weebly.com

Continue to make memories this summer...